Scrum Advanced Certification Exam

Scrum Advanced Certification Exam

  • $145.00
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The Scrum Advanced Professional Certificate (SAPC) is aimed at those who are interested in demonstrating knowledge of the Scrum practices in its entirety. The certificate is awarded to candidates who have achieved a range of Scrum certifications and have achieved a well-rounded, superior knowledge and skills base in Scrum practices.


  • To be eligible for the Advanced Professional Certificate (SAPC) you must fulfill the following entry requirements:
  • You must’ve completed the following Scrum framework certifications: 1 Scrum Master Professional Certificate or equivalent. 2 Scrum Product Owner Professional Certificate or equivalent.
  • You must’ve worked professionally under the Scrum framework for at least two years. We request your CV to certify this requirement.
  • An essay explaining you have experience utilizing the practices of the Scrum framework. This essay must explain and justify how you used the theoretical knowledge of Scrum to achieve the objectives of a real world project and what benefits it brought to your business.


  • This certification is appropriate for anyone who is interested in becoming a Scrum Advanced professional.

Other information:

  • Certification issued digitally by Certiprof
  • After passing you can also claim a digital badge (see product image) for your resume or Linkedin profile