QuickBooks Certified User - Certification Exam

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Even if you still do manual accounting, accounting software are making life easier

Why is accounting software the preferred method:

  • Electronic record-keeping ensures greater accuracy
  • Reduce or eliminate human error on larger volumes
  • Can free up your time
  • Faster recording and automatic backups
  • Can issue invoices, receipts, credit notes
  • Helps the business stay organized

With the latest software developments, accessing information can be done from multiple devices which means you no longer need to carry all the books to your accountant. With some of the reporting functions built in the software you as the business owner can make a more informed financial decision or as an accountant give better financial recommendations.


What does it mean for me as an accountant or one who works in the finance department?

You may understand the principles of accounting and bookkeeping but in order to succeed having knowledge of accounting software is becoming more and more needed.

With work from home and freelancing becoming the order of the day, it means you now have access to work with foreign organizations. Quickbooks is a popular choice worldwide especially for small-medium organizations.


How do I as a business owner benefit from having accounting software?

The number one benefit is that you are able to make better financial decisions whether you have an accountant or not. With the reporting function you are able to see which months perform better, which products sell better in which season and so much more. This means that you are able to manage your expenses, forecast budgets, and even plan promotions for low-performing months.

The rewards for having accounting software are vast especially now during the Covid pandemic. Business can still go on, even if it is from home.


Learning and Exam Outcomes

Quickbooks Online:

  • QuickBooks Setup and Maintenance
  • List Management
  • Sales/Money-in
  • Purchases/Money-out
  • Basic Accounting
  • Reports
  • Customization/Saving Time

 The Exam

  • Number of Questions: 50 Total 
  • Question Types: Simulation and Linear—multiple choice
  • Duration: Up to 50 minutes


    A Certificate of Completion can be earned by scoring 80% or better on all Post-Assessments.
    A Badge can be earned by scoring 90% or better on all Post-Assessments.

    84% of Accounting Instructors believe students who are preparing for an accounting career should be conversant in QuickBooks. Said one respondent: “Many [students] now learn QuickBooks as they learn bookkeeping or accounting... You might start every bookkeeping or accounting course with it.”

    - A recent Certiport survey of accounting instructors at two-year colleges revealed


    The QuickBooks Certified User certification is an industry-recognized credential that effectively validates one’s skills in QuickBooks accounting software. 

    Other information:

    • Examination held online and generally on Saturdays
    • Examination date scheduled according to edVentr calendar (via edVentr Support Team after purchase)
    • Examination other than edVentr calendar date can be booked at an additional fee (liaise with edVentr Support team after purchase)
    • Certification issued digitally by Quickbooks (immediately after passing)
    • After passing you can also claim a digital badge (see product image) for your resume or Linkedin profile 


    • Operating system: Windows 10 / Mac OSX Sierra 10.12 or higher
    • Chrome OS
    • Supported browsers: The preferred internet browser is Chrome. Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari are also supported
    • Screen resolution of 1280 x 800
    • Input Devices: Full Keyboard and Mouse
    • Internet Connection: A download speed of at least 5 Mbps